
What treatments are there for soft-tissue injuries?

Soft-tissue injuries may not seem like they’re life-changing, but many can be, at least in the short term. Soft-tissue injuries range from strains and sprains to bruises.

Soft-tissue injuries are typically caused by sudden traumatic events like car accidents or trip-and-fall incidents. They can also be caused by overusing the areas of the body that suffer the strain, sprain or bruising.

How are soft-tissue injuries treated?

Most doctors prescribe the RICE treatment. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Basically, individuals with soft-tissue injuries need to rest and take a break from the activities that caused their injuries. The individuals may also need to stay home and rest by relaxing on the sofa or staying in bed, depending on the type of injury.

Besides rest, icing the injury is important. This helps reduce inflammation at the site of the injury.

Following this, the injury may be compressed. An elastic compression bandage puts pressure on the wound to prevent any additional blood loss or swelling.

Finally, soft-tissue injuries should be raised above the level of the heart when resting. This helps reduce swelling.

Do some injuries require additional therapy?

Yes, some soft-tissue injuries, like whiplash, for example, may require physical therapy or even surgery to repair damage to the joints, ligaments and tendons. An example would be if you have a severe strain. A severe strain includes the complete tear of a ligament, which must be reattached surgically. If it is not reconnected, then the joint will be nonfunctional in the future.

After you suffer a soft-tissue injury, you should seek medical attention. If the cause is a car crash, the person responsible for your accident may have an insurance policy that will cover your medical needs. If not, you have the potential to sue the individual to cover your losses.

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